Took Brandon to the doctors yesterday. He has ear infection and upper respiratory infection. So the doctor gave me 2 different cough medicines to give him. One for the day time and one for night time. He also gave me an antibiotics but doesn't want me to start him on it unless he's no better by Sunday. I don't understand why he would want me to wait..but I'm not a doctor. lol
I need some help with my blog. See on the right..where I have a picture posted and it says I love Sig country. I want people to be able to click on that picture and be taken to Sig country's web site. I have fooled around with HTML codes for 2 days and have not figured it out. Can anyone help me out? Sig country is where I get all my blog candy, pictures with my names and my headers for my blog. I just love them there. And it's free! Here is the link in case anyone wants to check it out. You do have to sign up tho. IT's a message board.
Today I am going to spend most of the day cleaning. Spring cleaning..getting rid of junk that we don't need any more. And I'm going to finish washing down walls. So think of me when you are sitting and stitching the day away.

Hope your little boy gets well soon Lizette
Sorry I can't help (I don't know how to do that ...)
I hope Brandon gets better soon. I think the doctor hopes he will get better by himself before you give antibiotics ...
Get Well Soon Brandon
I do hope your little Boo gets feeling better, poor baby!
I don't know how to do that myself, I beleive I tried that once and it didn't work for me, lol.
Aw, I hope he feels better soon.
I can't help you, I'm sorry. I'm still impressed that I can link to other blogs in posts ...
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