Good morning all! Hope everyone is keeping warm. We sure have been having some very cold weather here in Ohio. Today's post should be a long one with lots of pictures.
First I want to show you an almost finished Moonie. I have mostly back stitching left and a few stray stitches that I didn't do. I can't believe I'm almost finished with her. A little tip for anyone that might stitch her..when ordering your speciality thread..order 2 of them. I ran out of the 1st white glissen gloss thread and I'm about out of the second one If you make any huge mistakes

with the green or red glissen gloss then you aren't going to have enough to finish. I would say that this piece has been the most challenging thing I have ever stitched. I LOVE the way she looks tho.
We took Brandon to see Santa clause the other day. As you can see from his didn't go very well. LOL He didn't want anything to do with Santa. So I bribed him with candy. I told

him he could have candy if he held Santa's hand. Well He held Santa's hand and the candy in the other. Guess What he was looking at the whole time?

Last night we went to my Niece's (all three of them were in the same musical!) sing Christmas songs. We took Brandon ..and I thought it would be a total nightmare..but it wasn't. He loved it! He even clapped when everyone else was clapping. He didn't cry or fuss the whole hour we sat and watched!
I have our Christmas

tree up. IT looks amazing with all the stitched ornaments on it. It's about 70% home made ornaments. I'll take some pictures of the outside of the house some time soon and share those as we

ll. I never knew that decorating a tree with a child was sooo hard to do. Brandon kept hang the ornaments on the same branch. I think at one time he had like 6 ornaments on the same branch. He also about knocked the tree down by pushing on the tree to hang an ornament. We had the neighbor boy (which is also my nephew) come over to help. Man oh Man does that boy ask a million questions. But he is great with Brandon. We had a great time putting on all the decorations.
Now for the last picture. My sister bought Brandon some candy called SixLets. Little balls of chocolate...That fit perfectly up a child nose.

Guess what he did! He came out of his room saying "nose" "nose" and laughing. I didn't think anything of it. In til Green slime starting coming out of his nose. I screamed..BOO WHAT HAVE U DONE! I had to get a pair of tweezers to pull the green ball out. Kids...The things he does will have me put in a nut house for sure.
Today Keith and I are going Christmas shopping. Can you believe I haven't' gotten any shopping done yet! And like 3 weeks left til Christmas. Wish me luck.