Happy Valentines day all! Sorry to post this so late but I haven't been in the blogging moon lately. What did you get for V'day? Keith actually bought me something this year, with out being told what to get me! I was so surprised. He bought me red satin sheets for our bed, and a stuffed

valentine Puppy dog. I LOVE sleeping on those sheets. So soft. I've wanted a set for years and years. I bought him his and hers Ky. (maybe a little TMI?) lol and stitched him the Valentine stocking. (click for bigger picture)Which I just finished yesterday. I think I'm losing my stitching mojo. I haven't stitched much at all this week. I've been either on this computer or watching movies. And usually when I watch movies it's great stitching time. Last night I watched the movie called Cloverfeild. I LOVED it. What a great movie. Also watched a movie called Blindness..what a stupid movie.
Keith and I got our income tax money this past week. He bought a 46 inch flat screen TV, which we now have mounted on the living room wall. I bought me a home gym. (I'll have to post pictures of it soon) I've had it for over a week and haven't used it. LOL I'm so lame. I haven't' lost any weight in almost 2 weeks. I like to eat..love to eat stuff that is bad for me. I need some major help from family and friends. I've been taking diet pills called slim quick. Been on them for 2 days,not sure If i see any difference with them or not. Will let you know when I'm on them for a week or so.

I bought to new charts last week from 123 stitch. New waxing moon charts. I can't wait to stitch them. Might start them today. Not sure tho. Have lots of things I want tostitch but just dont' feel like stitching. (((Some one help me!!!!)))
Here is some pictures of Brandon. He's doing much better with the fit throwing. Every time he throws him self down on to the floor we've been making him get up and go sit in his room for about 5 minutes. Seems to

be working for us.